Lampe Berger - Bayliss and Booth

Cleaner and more fragrant air for your home

Made in Paris since 1898, the Lampe Berger and the range of fine fragrances that the company produce will enhance and add a stylish note to any home. Exclusive to Bayliss and Booth on the Island, these exquisite glass air purifying lamps with scents taking inspiration from nature or distant places, the collection of more than 50 home fragrances will inspire a feeling of wellbeing in the home.

The Lamp Berger brand works with designers from different backgrounds and creates fifteen new models every year so that the lamp collection is constantly being refreshed. With a history of designers ranging from Coco Chanel, Jean Cocteau and Rene Lalique to name but a few, the lamps were collector’s items in the 1930s and 1950s and today’s collection comprises around a hundred glass and ceramic lamps fitted with filigree and modern metal tops.

The fragrances too are designed to suit every mood and occasion. From light summer florals to more autumnal woody and warm notes to the more exotic, you can change the scent to compliment any occasion or season. Bayliss and Booth stock a large range of both lamps and fragrances and are on hand to help and advise you with your choices.